Sunday, April 30, 2006

Can you Believe May is Here Tomorrow???

Hope this finds everyone doing well!

We're all fine but busy here. The baby above is the "Bubba" filly that was born the end of Feb. We're really tickled with her. We have several on the ground now and lots more to go. So far, they are a nice set of colts. Breeding season is starting in earnest so we're running a hundred miles an hour all the time from here out.

I don't know if anyone read the article in Quarter Horse News on cloning, but it was pretty in-depth as far as opinions expressed by the big breeders, etc. Our own feelings are still mixed on the subject, but I found it interesting that one of the next mares that might be done is Bearly Doc. She is "Bubba's" dam and she's 30 years old this year. At about $150,000.00 a pop for a clone, Lindy Burch must think a lot of the old gal. It will be interesting to watch how things progress in this area.

We finally got some rain here and even though it's muddy we're thankful for it. It's nice to see things greening up. If you're in the area, give us a call and stop by, we'd love to see you.

God Bless,

Eddy and Deb


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